Brine :
1 Gallon Water ( 16 cups)
2/3 Cups Kosher Salt
1 Tbs Peppercorn
5 Whole Dried Bay Leaves
1 Whole Organic Chicken
With 1/2 a gallon of WATER, combine all the other ingredients except the chicken in a deep pot and simmer until all the salt is completely dissolve. Add the other half of the water. Let the infused water cool.
When the infused water cool, submerge the CHICKEN. Making sure that the chicken is fully submerge. Refrigerate over night.
Drain, and dry the CHICKEN with a paper towel. Cut the chicken and sprinkle some SALT & PEPPER. I prefer "drying" my chicken on a wire rack after using the paper towels.
And here is where the genius of Thomas Keller comes. The chicken coating recipe is impeccable. Although I changed the quantity of the different ingredients, it's about the same.

2 Cups All-Purpose Flour
4 Tbs Garlic Powder
4 Tbs Onion Powder
1 Tbs Salt and Pepper (each)
1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
11/2 Cups Buttermilk
Vegetable Oil for frying
Combine all the DRY ingredients.
Dip the CHICKEN pieces into the BUTTERMILK, then dredge in the DRY ingredients.
Place it back to the wire rack. For easy clean-up : place the wire rack over a baking sheet to catch all the flour droppings.
I used a deep fryer, following Kellers temperature to 330'. This could also be done in an iron skillet ( preferably ), heating 1 inch of vegetable oil.
Fry the chicken in 2-3 batches, turning once the side is golden brown. Checking with a meat thermometer. If you dont have a meat thermometer, insert a steak knife on the thickest part of the chicken, deep enough to hit the bone. If clear liquid runs, then the chicken is done.
To be safe and make it a little more crunchy, I place the chicken back to the wire rack with the baking sheet under and place them in the oven heated to 300-330 for 20 minutes.
Serve the chicken while hot. Click here for some side dish ideas.